You've Got an Attitude

A Snapshot of Foundational Attitudes Toward Quantum Mechanics

I dont get all that caught up in the issues of foundational questions of quantum mechanics; I think, for example, that the interpretations are bridges to understanding, so while I’m happy to cite the Copenhagen interpretation, I’ll also mention many-worlds if that helps — I don’t feel locked into one or the other. (There are some, though, that don’t “feel” right to me and/or seem to have been discredited in some way, and I don’t call upon them. I’m also not nearly as familiar with them). I don’t think you’re going to solve many of these foundational problems unless they aren’t truly foundational, in which case you then have to wrestle with the issues one level down.

Regardless, I think this “snapshot” is interesting, in part because others do spend more time on these issues. Also for the author and respondent comments on many of the questions.

Uncertain if This is Just Diffraction

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via zapperz

One thing that would have been useful, I think, is a calculation in support of this, even if it’s just an order-of-magnitude one, to tell us if this is reasonable. The size of the spot (maybe a cm?) gives you a bound on the uncertainty of the transverse momentum. It’s green light (probably 532 nm) and the screen is of order a meter behind the slit. That tells us what the transverse component of the momentum should be — the momentum of the photon multiplied by the sine of the angle (or just the angle, in the small-angle approximation, which is around 0.01 radians)

So the uncertainty of the momentum is around 0.01 of the momentum, given by \(h/lambda\), so Planck’s constant drops out when we pop this into the uncertainty relation. Rearranging the equation tells us that $latexDelta{x} > frac{lambda}{4pitheta}$ or that we shouldn’t see this effect until the slits are separated by less than about 10x the wavelength of the light — which is around what we expect just from experience in diffracting light, that it only becomes an important consideration as you approach the wavelength of the light.

This Just In: Relativity Works

A thought experiment for the relativity skeptics

An interesting thought experiment that shows how general relativity must hold, though I doubt it will work on the crackpot demographic, as it’s proof-by-contradiction, and ends up with a perpetual motion machine as the contradiction. If you think those are real, the proof doesn’t work. And also that nobody expects the Spanish Inquisition nothing works on the crackpot demographic.

Crank Physics

Bad Physics, Bad Investment

He incorrectly claims that a cyclist can get more torque by having a crank arm that’s “longer” but bends back towards the center, keeping the pedals the same distance away from the axis as a traditional straight crank. Levers don’t work like that. It doesn’t matter what shape the lever arm is, it only matters how far away the pedal is from the center of rotation.

Good to note that the Kickstarter attempt failed miserably, not so good that there’s a smaller-scale attempt elsewhere.

What Has it Gots in its Drawerses?

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One of the finest achievements of European furniture making, this cabinet is the most important product from Abraham (1711–1793) and David Roentgen’s (1743–1807) workshop. A writing cabinet crowned with a chiming clock, it features finely designed marquetry panels and elaborate mechanisms that allow for doors and drawers to be opened automatically at the touch of a button. Owned by King Frederick William II, the Berlin cabinet is uniquely remarkable for its ornate decoration, mechanical complexity, and sheer size.

Insert your own joke about x-rays here.

Stories From New Guinea

Tales From the World Before Yesterday: A Conversation with Jared Diamond

[A]s I got more experienced in New Guinea, I realized, every night I sleep out in New Guinea forest. At some time during the night, I hear the sound of a tree crashing down. And, you see tree falls in New Guinea forest, and I started to do the numbers. Suppose the chances of a dead tree crashing down on you the particular night that you sleep under it is only one in 1,000. But suppose you’re a New Guinean, who’s going to sleep every night in the forest, or spend 100 nights a year sleeping out in the forest. In the course of 10 years, you will have spent a thousand nights in the forest, and if you camp under dead trees, and each dead tree has a one in 1,000 chance of falling on you and killing you, you’re not going to die the first night, but in the course of 10 years, the odds are that you are going to die from sleeping under dead trees. If you’re going to do something repeatedly that each time has a very low chance of bringing disaster. But if you’re going to do it repeatedly, it will eventually catch up with you.

That incident affected me more than anything else, because I realized that in life, we encounter risks that each time the risk is very slight. But if you’re going to do it repeatedly, it will catch up with you.

He has a new book out, The World Until Yesterday: What Can We Learn from Traditional Societies? which, given his prior work, I will probably read at some point.

A Liter of Light

An Innovative and Cheap ‘Solar Bottle Bulb’ Solution Lights Homes in Manila

This is a really neat solution to the problem of dwellings that could really use passive light; it’s not truly an alternative to something like the gravitylight , which is not passive, but for closely-spaced dwellings that don’t have much in the way of window real estate relative to the interior area, and lack (affordable) electricity, it’s just the ticket to light them up during the day.

This is a kind of light pipe (one version of which is a deck prism seen on some boats). I have to think something like this would have been useful for a playhouse when I was a kid. Some more detailed instructions exist, if you are inclined to employ on of these.