A Snapshot of Foundational Attitudes Toward Quantum Mechanics
I dont get all that caught up in the issues of foundational questions of quantum mechanics; I think, for example, that the interpretations are bridges to understanding, so while I’m happy to cite the Copenhagen interpretation, I’ll also mention many-worlds if that helps — I don’t feel locked into one or the other. (There are some, though, that don’t “feel” right to me and/or seem to have been discredited in some way, and I don’t call upon them. I’m also not nearly as familiar with them). I don’t think you’re going to solve many of these foundational problems unless they aren’t truly foundational, in which case you then have to wrestle with the issues one level down.
Regardless, I think this “snapshot” is interesting, in part because others do spend more time on these issues. Also for the author and respondent comments on many of the questions.