Entanglement Done Right

I finally found post about quantum entanglement that does a great job of explaining entanglement, in the context of an attempt to entangle macroscopic objects: Spooky Mirror Tricks. As far as I have seen, it contains none of the “wall of shame statements” I ranted about recently. Quite the opposite.

[Entanglement] allows two particles to form a quantum object even when they are far apart.

[I]f one measures, on one particle, the quantum property through which that particle is entangled with other particles, the same property will promptly be determined for each of the particles involved.

[E]ntangled quantum particles behave similarly: there seems to be a strange connection between them. However, even this image is misleading, as there are no physical forces in play. In addition, only certain properties are ever entangled. For light quanta, for instance, this can be what is known as polarization, which can be imagined as a small pointer.If two entangled photons are prepared in a certain way, then the polarizations of both photons must point in exactly the same direction.

Now, although the two photons must obey this strict “principle of conservation,” the quantum world does not dictate the direction in which the polarizations must point in relation to their surroundings. This is a further quirk of the entangled quantum world: as long as a property isn’t measured, it isn’t fixed for the object being observed. Only when someone measures the polarization of one of the two photons does he give it a direction relative to its surroundings. The polarization of the other photon must then immediately point in the same direction, no matter how far away it is.

Voilà! It can be done! Hear ye, hear ye. Let the journalism world know that you can explain entanglement properly, without mentioning Star Trek at all.

Death to Headline Editors

I’ve seen this link with this headline a number of places recently, and I find it bothersome. Valedictorian Speaks Out Against Schooling in Graduation Speech

The problem is that the speaker isn’t speaking out against schooling. The objection is that other things have replaced schooling in schools: the emphasis is on doing well on the test, at the expense of learning. There is no call to end education, the demand is to fix a flawed system.

Some of you may be thinking, “Well, if you pass a test, or become valedictorian, didn’t you learn something? Well, yes, you learned something, but not all that you could have. Perhaps, you only learned how to memorize names, places, and dates to later on forget in order to clear your mind for the next test. School is not all that it can be. Right now, it is a place for most people to determine that their goal is to get out as soon as possible.

I am now accomplishing that goal. I am graduating. I should look at this as a positive experience, especially being at the top of my class. However, in retrospect, I cannot say that I am any more intelligent than my peers. I can attest that I am only the best at doing what I am told and working the system. Yet, here I stand, and I am supposed to be proud that I have completed this period of indoctrination.

The Truth is Still Putting its Pants On

I’ve subscribed to Bob Park’s What’s New for the better part of the past decade; it’s a mailing list that’s still a mailing list rather than a blog, which makes it old-fashioned, to the extent that email can be old-fashioned. It’s quick commentary on what’s new and controversial, much like a blogger would do.

This past week, as part of his continuing commentary on things possibly related to global warming he mentioned something which I’m not sure the science media quite “gets,” and serves as a decent example of how science progresses:

Researchers at Dalhousie University in Halifax, Nova Scotia say phytoplankton are disappearing from the ocean. Strictly speaking it’s not really a science story — yet. There’s no independent confirmation, and until that happens scientists don’t get too excited. But Dalhousie is a respected school, and you can bet a lot of scientists are looking at sea water today.

This is how it usually goes — any new finding serves as a springboard for more investigation. A single experiment is usually not given an extraordinary amount of weight if the result is something new and unexpected, and the experiment represents a relatively small amount of data (results from large collaborations at accelerator labs are generally afforded more weight because they are gathering tremendous amounts of data). This is especially so if it appears to contradict previous experiments. Science is cautious this way. You always want to get more data, and maybe have someone else repeat the experiment, or possibly do a more advanced experiment which would only work if the foundational work is correct. That’s how you gain confidence in the results.

The unspoken part of this is that the results were properly published — there was a press release, but that was coordinated with the publication in Nature. This was not something just put out on the web or shouted from a rooftop — they followed the important first steps of the process by going through peer review.

I was thinking about this when I later read a story in the NY Times: Rumors in Astrophysics Spread at Light Speed, in which a number of recent stories are discussed, in which results were aggressively interpreted. But while the thrust of the story seems to be about how fast information can spread and the author’s disappointment that none of the rumors he keeps hearing seem to pan out, I got a different message. I saw confirmation of the tendency for the media to pick up the ball and run with it, in their rush to be first (or not be left out) with little regard for checking the facts, combined with the author not reading or listening very carefully. In the extrasolar planet example, the TED talk speaker is pretty clear he’s talking about size, and he does call them candidates. If you don’t understand the jargon, how about checking with someone first? One would hope the lesson of climategate would not be lost here — an earlier case where misunderstood jargon was reported, only to have it turn out that there was nothing to see — but I fear that lesson has already been forgotten, since the blame went to the scientists (for using the word “trick”) but seemed to pass the media by. The Higgs at Fermilab? That was a rumor posted on a blog, and the linked gawker story reports it as such.

These spread at the speed of light, in part, because nobody put the brakes on. Nobody said, “Hey, wait a tic. Maybe we should get someone else to weigh in on it.” This is the cautionary tale of Pons & Fleischmann going to the popular press before their paper had been peer-reviewed, let alone published. That was more than 20 years ago.

Hardly a week goes by, for example, that I don’t hear some kind of rumor that, if true, would rock the Universe As We Know It. Recently I heard a rumor that another dark matter experiment, which I won’t name, had seen an interesting signal. I contacted the physicist involved. He said the results were preliminary and he had nothing to say.

Smart guy. Very.

My view is that journalists shouldn’t just be relying on the restraint of scientists to remind them that preliminary results are preliminary. What if the scientist had commented? Would you run the story, knowing full well that it had not passed peer-review nor had it been independently confirmed? What is so hard about these caveats and disclaimers scientists take for granted, and come up over and over again, when discussing science results? Is the collective journalistic memory so short that scientists (or their lawyers) have to start reading a statement before they ever make a comment?

Please understand that the following result is preliminary and should not be taken as the final word. For anyone unfamiliar with the field, an effort must be made on the reader’s part to see where this fits in with the prevailing models of the day. There is a chance that it could be wrong or have only limited applicability to broader problems being investigated by other research teams. Further investigation may confirm our findings, or show that our results were anomalous or contained errors.

Scientists already know this. Journalist should know this.

ZapperZ has also commented on the NYT story

Hang Your Head in Shame, NPR

I ran across this twaddle at NPR: Scientists Take Quantum Steps Toward Teleportation, thinking perhaps there was some new result being described. There wasn’t, and furthermore, it’s a giant turd of a story, hitting all the “highlights” of teleportation reporting, along with the misendorsement of Michio Kaku. This isn’t the first time that Kaku has spouted nonsense about teleportation; it left a bad taste in Chad’s mouth not too long ago.

From the NPR story:

“Quantum entanglement” may sound like an awful sci-fi romance flick, but it’s actually a phenomenon that physicists say may someday lead to the ability to teleport an object all the way across the galaxy instantly.

It’s not exactly the Star Trek version of teleportation, where an object disappears then reappears somewhere else. Rather, it “entangles” two different atoms so that one atom inherits the properties of another.

To use an epithet I learned in the navy: Not only no, but f#@k no. Quantum teleportation does not teleport objects, it teleports information. It is not exactly the Star Trek version of teleportation in the sense that it’s nothing at all like Star Trek. Mentioning Star Trek (or just Scotty, and this story does both) is greatest hit #1 in any teleportation story.

And: Physicists say? Which ones? I want names!

“An invisible umbilical cord emerges connecting these two electrons. And you can separate them by as much as a galaxy if you want. Then, if you vibrate one of them, somehow on the other end of the galaxy the other electron knows that its partner is being jiggled.”

This is what Kaku has gotten wrong before, and is hit #2. Entanglement does not tell you this — it tells you that when you measure particle 1, you will instantly know what state particle 2 is in. You haven’t changed the state of 1, because is wasn’t in an eigenstate to begin with — you’ve collapsed the wavefunction, and gotten all of the information about the state of the system in doing so. Wiggling the electron at that point does absolutely nothing to its formerly-entangled partner.

Kaku’s getting it wrong, and needs to STFU about it.

Hit #3 takes us into crackpotopia

It could one day lead to new types of computers, and some even think entanglement may explain things like telepathy.

What is there to explain about telepathy? That it’s nonsense? You have to confirm that a phenomenon actually, objectively exists before you could even think about trotting entanglement out as an explanation for it. This is a slimy tactic — don’t even address that the phenomenon in question is on decidedly shaky footing, and instead propose that you have an explanation for it. The reader gets the impression, though, that the phenomenon is real and has the endorsement of mainstream science, and that we are merely looking for the mechanism of how it works. And you also used the “some think” schtick. Are you using anonymous sources?

NPR, you got hoodwinked by someone who didn’t know what he was talking about and got really lazy about checking up on he facts.

Dissecting the Problem

A simple way to get the antiscience crowd to come around?

Maybe if those in the media and popular press would stop treating us like a different species, “the people” who we don’t reach would feel less wary about trusting us when the data we generate challenges their preconceptions. Maybe if the media would stop treating everything like a “controversy”, and stop giving free air time for dissemination of misinformation, we wouldn’t have to spend our time debunking crap that was debunked 150 years ago (in the case of evolution) and could focus more on education. Here’s an example; anybody even remotely familiar with the “controversy” surrounding mercury and autism knows who Andrew Wakefield is. He gets mentioned in practically every article and gets the media’s “equal time” treatment, even though the guy is a total slime and we’ve known it for years. How many legitimate medical researchers, on the other hand, get more than a two-sentence quote? How many autism researchers fighting the good fight get profiled to the extent that Wakefield does? If you’re not in the field, can you even name an autism researcher on the other side of the line from Wakefield?

I read this before reading Chris Mooney’s op-ed, but I think this, in particular, is spot-on. One of the many ways the battle is biased against science is the ease by which one can make a false claim, and the difficulty in debunking the claim, because science is complicated. The artificially forced bilateral symmetry common in stories and debates works against us. I don’t know how much of a solution this ends up being, but it is part of the problem.

I think this also ties in with science needing to step up its PR game, though I think there are problems inherent in non-scientists becoming spokespersons; the more links you put between the people that best understand the research and the people interacting with the public, the greater chance you have of simplifying the science to the point it’s wrong. Somebody simply reciting talking points can’t interact and answer questions, which means that Evil Monkey’s point about scientists getting out and engaging the public is the best approach, and we scientists (and administrators who are our bosses) have to recognize the value of outreach. The other thing that bothers me about external PR that strays from the Sgt. Friday script (just the facts) is that appealing to emotion swings both ways. I think it would be much better if a person could sniff out false claims themselves, rather than having to rely on a PR firm to tell you. If you can be convinced by a persuasive but non-fact-based argument that something is true, you can also be convinced that it’s false. And then there’s the trump card — the antiscience crowd often wins the battle not by having great spokespeople, but having ones that are willing to lie, and science can’t go down that path.

One thing that all this ignores, however, is that many of the targets who disagree aren’t doing so because scientists aren’t putting forth a compelling argument. They made up their minds long ago — facts aren’t going to sway them, but neither is a smooth talker with a pretty face. I think that you have to recognize that there are people who will never be convinced — there is no strategy that will work. They are not interested in the facts, or in honest debate, and if what you have to say disagrees with Glenn Beck or Rush Limbaugh, you’re just flat out of luck. Confirmation bias is real.

Don't Make Them Feel Self-Conscious

Weird Antimatter Particles Discovered Deep Underground

Don’t call them weird — they aren’t. They violate parity, but that makes them special. As far as I can tell (and it isn’t easy, because the press releases and web pages do a kinda crappy job of this), the so-called geoneutrinos are electron neutrinos, given off in decay chains of heavy elements in the earth’s interior. More specifically, they would be antineutrinos, since the decay chains typically involve alpha and beta-minus decays, and the latter give off electron antineutrinos.

In other words, the particle is not new. The name distinguishes them from solar neutrinos, but I think it also adds confusion to the mix, especially when the distinction isn’t made clear. Unnecessary jargon isn’t a good thing.

What is interesting is that the scientists are trying to use this as a diagnostic for learning about the earth’s interior.

The researchers hope that by studying geoneutrinos, they can learn more about how decaying elements add to the heat beneath Earth’s surface and affect processes like convection in the mantle. Whether radioactive decay dominates the heating in this layer, or merely adds to the heat from other sources, is an open question.

Just a Bit Outside

If sports got reported like science..

HOST: In sports news, Chelsea manager Carlo Ancelotti today heavily criticised a controversial offside decision which denied Didier Drogba a late equaliser, leaving Chelsea with a 1-all draw against Sunderland.
INTERCOM: Wait. Hold it. What was all that sports jargon?
HOST: It’s just what’s in the script. All I did was read it – I’ve got no idea what it’s really on about.
INTERCOM: Nobody without a PhD in football’s going to understand that. Who wrote this crap? It’s elitist rubbish, people will just turn off when they hear it. “Late equaliser”? “Offside”? We’ve got to get this rewritten so it’s more accessible.

They need to work in how the early goal by Sunderland violated or has rewritten some rule, except that it didn’t, in order to parallel all of those science stories that claim that relativity has been violated or evolutionary theory has been upset by some discovery, only to find that (of course) nothing of the sort actually happened.


iPhone city San Francisco is first in U.S. to demand radioactivity warnings on mobiles

The home city of the iPhone has passed a law requiring warning radioactivity warning labels on new mobiles.

San Francisco retailers will soon have to provide information on the specific absorption rate (SAR) of all handsets stocked.

Repeat with me: “Radiation” and “radioactive” are not the same thing.
The specific absorption rate in question is of radiofrequency radiation, which is non-ionizing, and in no way implies that the source is radioactive (i.e. comes from a spontaneous nuclear reaction), because it doesn’t.

On the other hand, it’s the Daily Mail. They apparently handle science no better than Robert Green handles weak shots-on-goal by Americans. (Bang!)

As far as the legislation goes, I think it’s antiscience being sold as informing consumers. But what information is being provided? I think specific absorption rate is being abused here, because it’s not being explained. If I have a mass of 100 kg, does a phone with an SAR of 1.6W/kg mean it is emitting 160 Watts? And for a user who has a mass of 70 kg, the power magically drops to 112 Watts? No. SAR is measured using a calibration standard of one gram of tissue (in the US; in Europe it’s 10 grams) meaning the gram of tissue absorbs 1.6 milliwatts of radiation from the source, under some geometry. The actual power emitted by a cellphone is of order a Watt. But even that information is almost useless without context; the human body radiates somewhere around 800-900 Watts in a more-or-less blackbody spectrum. Is that a cause for concern?

Magic Magic

I’m confounded by magic.

Radioactive isotope of tin confirmed to have doubly magic nucleus

Magic proton or neutron numbers give the nucleus greater stability and stronger binding, and are therefore usually more common than nuclei with unfilled orbital shells. In doubly magic nuclei both proton and neutron shells are filled, leading to even stronger binding and stability. The outer shells of doubly magic nuclei are rigidly spherical.

OK, here’s an instance where someone is using inconsistent and/or confusing terminology. If magic numbers refer to filled shells, then Sn-132, having 50 protons and 82 neutrons, is doubly-magic by definition. The only thing you have to confirm is that it’s Sn-132. The Tin isotope whips out its ID card, and you’re done.

But no, apparently that’s not enough.

Other confirmed doubly magic nuclei include helium-4, oxygen-16, lead-208, calcium-49, and nickel-48, which are abundant and stable, and nickel-56, which was discovered in 1998 and is less stable than the others, having a half-life of just 5.9 days. Tin-132 is even more unstable with a half-life of only four seconds, which has made confirmation of its doubly magic nature difficult. It has 50 protons and 82 neutrons, and is the first confirmed doubly magic isotope that is both neutron-rich and radioactive.

The scientists investigating this seem to already know it has magic numbers of both, but that doesn’t confirm the doubly-magic nature of the isotope. They had to verify that it is spherical as well, by looking at Sn-133 and saw that it behaved as expected of having a single excess neutron (I assume in terms of a quadrupole moment). But if it hadn’t, would the nucleus still be doubly-magic? Or would it be that the model of doubly-magic nuclei was wrong? I think it’s the latter; magic numbers refer to the numbers (hence the name), and models of nuclear shape are something separate.

On a related note, I wonder if anyone is looking at Sn-100, which is also doubly-magic (using my definition). It’s listed on the table of nuclides as having a half-life of 0.94 seconds, which implies it’s been made in the lab and studied to some extent. Then again, the table of nuclides lists Sn-132 has having a half-life of 39.7 seconds, which is an order of magnitude longer than what’s given in the article. So I’m thoroughly confused. But as a Gemini, I never know what to expect.