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Category Archives: Satire
Conjugate This!
English Professors and other language professionals, long jealous of the attention and funding afforded the Large Hadron Collider and other “big physics” projects, have embarked on a new research initiative: that of high-energy language. The ambitious project will follow several avenues of investigation in an attempt to invigorate the field of research.
“We all know what happens when you split an infinitive,” remarked Prof. John Wurterschmidt, “but we’re only familiar with the results at pedestrian energies. Until now, nobody has investigated what happens when you do this at hundreds of MeV. Is the language relativistic? That is, we need to be finding out if words take on new meanings when they are traveling at a significant fraction of the speed of light. And, of course, the ultimate goal of discovering if there is an inherent structure to language, beyond what we give it. We really need this. A whole lot more than yet another analysis of Wuthering Heights.”
To do so, words will be accelerated to high energy and collided, and it is believed that this will result in the creation of participles and antiparticiples along with a shower of punctuation marks, mostly commas and apostrophes, but with the occasional exclamation point and question mark or even a rare ampersand, in the case of collisions involving irregular verbs. These reactions should shed some light on the asymptotic freedom behavior of individual syllables. At high enough energies, still years away from investigation, would be the creation of the Roget boson, also known as the saurus particle, which is thought to give words their meaning.
It is hypothesized that the symmetry of words is broken at some high energy of unknown value, and above this unification point words with similar meanings and etymologies are actually one word, there is no metaphor mixing and that all sentence structure is in palindrome form. That investigation will have to wait, however, as the preliminary funding will only allow for investigations of lower-energy interactions. In the initial experiments, words will be linearly accelerated to collide with a fixed target (The Oxford English Dictionary, if the collaboration can afford it), using a finely crafted “while-u-were-out” memo as a projectile. Later on, if sufficient funding is obtained, they will be able to construct a storage-ring system where nouns can be collided with their antonyms, which will be able to achieve much higher energies and allow for more exotic interactions. If all goes well, the construction of a relativistic fat novel collider will then be proposed, which will be able to explore even more aspects of the field, such as the effects of Lorentz contraction (does a novel become a short story at sufficiently high speeds?).
Wurterschmidt downplayed potential hazards of such projects, scoffing at the notion that this kind of an undertaking might prove dangerous. Some have posited that it could create a micro-meta-anthology of particularly dense and indecipherable writing which would accumulate chapters until it could devour entire libraries. “That’s poppycock. We wouldn’t be able to create anything not already being written. Stereo instructions already exist, and that hasn’t destroyed us yet.” The main danger appears to be much more mundane, as any such device must be power by a large number of monkeys typing on keyboards, which, Wurterschmidt notes, generates almost as much filth as the campus fraternities.
The First Amendment does not Cover Burping
Archive of Bart Simpson’s Blackboard Writings
This Just In
The Onion: Eagles Settle For Field Goal After 260-Yard Drive
“It’s disappointing not to score a touchdown when you keep a drive alive for more than three and a half quarters,” said quarterback Donovan McNabb, who completed 32 of his 66 passes, converted 26 first downs, and was carted off the field for X-rays twice during the drive.
Patriots Lead Colts At Halftime
The Colts offense, however, with Manning’s young receiving corps, has committed several significant errors. But the Indianapolis defense has fared even worse, and has only been able to stop pass plays of four yards or fewer, an insignificant advantage that a seasoned coach like Belichick will find easy to avoid.
“We have to do a better job in the second half, there’s no question about that,” Manning said while heading to the tunnel. “Problem is, the Pats simply never, ever, ever hand the game to you. You have to earn it. If we sit back and wait for them to screw up, we’re sunk, plain and simple.”
Got Him Now
Creating an Oral Pressure Differential
Report: Yankees Trademarked ‘Yankees Suck’ Chant In 1996
U.S. Patent and Trademark Office records show that every time an individual chants, shouts, or writes the words “Yankees suck,” the New York Yankees organization earns at least $2.15, an amount that escalates depending on repetition, volume, and whether the phrase was used during a national broadcast”>U.S. Patent and Trademark Office records show that every time an individual chants, shouts, or writes the words “Yankees suck,” the New York Yankees organization earns at least $2.15, an amount that escalates depending on repetition, volume, and whether the phrase was used during a national broadcast
What to Expect as the Little One Grows Up
Keep in mind that all adults reach their developmental milestones at their own pace. It is important not to compare your adult’s rate of development to that of his peers. The following list is meant only as a guideline and not as a cause for alarm
Dark Matter Left, Red Shift, Big Bang on Two, on Two. Ready? Break!
The Onion: NFL Scientists Postulate Theoretical Down Before First Down
Citing the extremely low level of entropy present before a normal set of football downs, scientists from the NFL’s quantum mechanics and cosmology laboratories spoke Monday of a theoretical proto-down before the first.
Are We There Yet?
The Onion: Nadir Of Western Civilization To Be Reached This Friday At 3:32 P.M.
Experts predict that the penultimate catastrophe will occur at approximately 7:15 p.m. Thursday night, when the social networking tool Twitter will be used to communicate a series of ideas so banal they will instantaneously negate the three centuries of the Renaissance.
Mr. Met is not Pleased
The Onion: Rare Centuple Play Ends Mets’ Season
This was the most outs recorded on a single play since the 2004 Montreal Expos were eradicated from the league after hitting into an ∞-play
I’m a Yankees fan, making it easier to laugh at this national-league humor.