(No, not mouse meat. Mouse shaped.)
Why? Because we like you.
Instructions are in Norwegian, but you can figure it out.
More stuff: animated gifs of things being thrown at the Prez
Some ingenious, some creepy
Update: another game
Turn any video into a Benny Hill clip. The BennyHillifier
“Add Yakety Sax to anything”
You need to do the speedup of the video on your own, though.
The other thing your dog does when you let it outside.
Hungarian phrasebook sketch comes to life
The journal of the Max Planck Research Institute was hit by this little problem: they used some lovely Chinese calligraphy on their cover without looking up the meaning.
It’s supposed to be about educating people about counterfeit MINI Coopers. But don’t let that stop you.
[H]ere instead is a list of phrases that (at the time of this posting) turn up no hits on Google:
“ate a violin”
“driver-side bidet”
“unlike normal furries,”
“Sarah, plain and tall and a cyborg”
“people are too civil on the internet”
And some more in the comments
“differential equations saved my life” – 0 results
“chess for Wookies” – 0 results
“erotic vector calculus” – 0 hits
“Luke, I am your third grade teacher” – 0
“Search your kitchen counter, you know it to be true” > 0 results
“Buttered graphite” – 0
I wonder what percentage the Quantum Pontiff gets…
See also: Turbaconducken (Turducken Wrapped in Bacon)
007 statys alive because he already assumes it to be true.