Does the Name 'Pavlov' Ring a Bell?

OMG this is TFF.

Blender Defender

Have a cat that won’t stay off your counters? I do. I finally got fed up with it enough to do something about it: scare the crap out of him with a motion-detecting blender (while recording the results for my own amusement, of course).

How-I-did-it instructions are included in the link.

Of course, we now have empirical evidence that the number of times you must scare the crap out of a cat in order to modify its behavior is a minimum of 4.

Wouldn’t be science without data.

Let's Get That LHC Running Already

15 uses for micro black holes

Use 10: Hang posters without tacks
Attention college students! Did you know that tacking posters to the wall of your dorm room can result in fines and loss of security deposits? Well, with mini-black holes, pin-holes and spackle patches are a thing of the past. Place tiny black holes on the wall, press your Zodiac Lovers poster on the wall until it is firmly fastened, and enjoy the results with all your friends. Unlike other fasteners, these won’t peel off in hot or cold temperatures, they will keep your posters where they belong. At the end of the year, simply tear down your posters. And if a do-gooder resident assistant tries to inspect the holes on your wall, just stand back, light up a joint, and watch as they are sucked into another dimension.

Note that I don’t actually advocate the use of illegal controlled substances, like micro black holes.

Grad School Camp

An idea we were joking about at one of the breaks between talks. You go to science camp, but the time is indefinite. You think it might be a week, and you tell everyone you think you have a week left, but it could end up taking a month. And at any time someone can come along and pull your funding, and you have to go find a new project to work on. Most meals at the dining hall consist of Ramen noodles.

Uh, Oh

When I was in Dulles airport the other day, I noticed a few of the airport stores had full-size cutouts of Obama, McCain and Palin outside their stores. No Biden. Either he was being stiffed for some reason, or there’s someone out there with a Biden fetish, stealing the figures.

That thought creeps me out.


The other morning I made sure to tell a colleague about Whiteboard Tower Defense, a potentially addictive flash game. The colleague is giving a talk next week and in the finest tradition of physics research, had barely started to assemble his powerpoint slides and was starting to stress a little. So a time-wasting diversion is just what he didn’t need, but was in retaliation for him sending me links about some cool new iPhone/iPod Touch apps he got. I don’t have an iPod Touch or an iPhone. He knows this.

Anyway, I’m going to the same conference, so posting will be a little light for the next week.