That Would Be the Rhodium Card

(Rhodium being a very expensive metal)

Nigerian phishing email

This is to officialy inform you that we have verified your CONTRACT/INHERITANCE payment of US$450,000,00and we the Senate committee on appropriation and finance have arranged your payment to be paid with an atm card in regard to an order from MR. President Alhaja Musa Yara’dua (GCFR) Federan Republic of Nigeria, an ATM card which you will use to withdraw your money from any ATM Machine in any part of the world have been approved for you. to receive your ATM card of $450,000,00 us dollars contact Mr.Famous Itsemhe on this email: [blah, blah, blah]

An ATM card to withdraw 450 thousand smackers? Yeah, right. I can fantasize (ubergeek fantasy, admittedly) that there’s a phishing database that measures the gullibility coefficient, and phishologists meticulously changing one variable at a time and measuring the response rates, with confidence intervals from their population sampling statistics. Because if it wasn’t for the ATM bit, I was ready to believe.

Besides, at $300 a day, it’ll take more than four years to get all the money. I want it now!

Still Better Than "A Burns for All Seasons"

More video that doesn’t have George C. Scott saying, “My Groin!” The Science Of Ball To Groin at glumbert. (Some annoying ads — and nothing else — tend to pop up on the video) This time, tennis balls (the projectile, not the target), while last time it was a baseball, but with a cup. Very different goals (though the same target), very different results.

via Uncertain Principles

Toys in the Office: Special Blasphemy Unit

It’s a hand-held catapult-like device to chuck things, and yes, those projectiles are small nun figurines. So, it’s a NUN-CHUCK, just like it says.


I don’t show this off to just anyone at the office; I wait until I know them and use my judgement. But this is the internet. Caveat emptor.

I really should round out my collection and become an equal-opportunity offender, so if anyone has a line on a protestant-o-pult, or an atheist arbalest (arbalatheist?) or even a Buddhistic ballista, let me know. I got the above at American Science & Surplus, though they’re also available at Archie McPhee (and perhaps elsewhere)

Toys in the Office

As I had commented before, I have a USB missile launcher in the office. I first noticed them a few years ago but not only were they unavailable (it was around Christmas), they were unavailable only in England. A few months later they were back in stock, and I had to buy two to justify the excessive shipping cost. One for the office, and one for home.


My attempt to attach a USB webcam was thwarted, because both devices want a direct connection to the computer and I don’t have enough ports to do that and connect the things I need to actually function at my job. Such a sacrifice . . .

Voting Strategy

The other day I was talking with my brother, who lives in NYC, and we were comparing pope-visit stories (his attempts to get around the city were screwed up on consecutive days). I mentioned how we had gotten a road repaving out of the visit to DC, and how we seemed to get the for presidential funerals, too, and how this could color my voting strategy.

We’ve gotten a day off for presidential funerals, so in order to maximize this effect, I need to embiggen both the number and age of ex-presidents as much as possible. So I must always vote against the incumbent, or, when there is no incumbent, vote for the older candidate. McCain’s the clear choice under this paradigm.


I would have expected vacuuming the cat to turn the feline into a frenetic fuzzball.

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