Quick Hits

I just noticed my Dilbert calendar runs out on Dec 31. Apparently Scott Adams is predicting the end of the world.

I have decided that the last shortbread cookie in the box shall be known as the Forlorna-Doone

How do homeopaths treat dehydration?

On the topic of water, I think you could make a fortune peddling a brand of bottled water called “JustWater” to restaurants. What do customers usually ask for, when they want water? Just water for me!

Leave No Crumb Unturned

EXCLUSIVE INTERVIEW: Baguette breaks collider

The Nature blog asks the hard-hitting (presumably from high-energy particle interactions) questions about the latest CERN incident.

Has anyone considered the possibility that the baguette came from the future to sabotage the LHC? Is there any indication that this is a futuristic baguette?

The possibility has been examined by theoretical physicists – considered unlikely as they feel baguettes will not play a part in future cultures.

How Not to Be Seen

How to Reject a Paper: Advice from a Chain Letter

You have to keep in mind that no matter how crappy the paper is, the authors are going to be pissed that it is rejected, and they are going to immediately begin wracking their brains to identify referees who might have done the dirty on them. Most will form a list of at least 5 or 6 people that they think are likely to have screwed them. Since most papers are reviewed by no more than 2-3 reviewers, this means you have a good chance of being on the list even if you were NOT the reviewer. Thus, particular pains must be taken to direct the authors ire elsewhere.

1. Pretend that you are British. (Note — this does not work well if you actually are British).

Most importantly, it tells you how to pretend to be British (though not necessarily being Mr. Nesbitt of Harlow New Town), or how to be obviously pretending to be British in case you are, as well as some other tactics.

I'm a Monkey! Monkey, Monkey, Monkey!

Fewer paying speed-camera tickets in Arizona

[W]hen state Department of Public Safety officers served 37 unpaid photo-enforcement tickets to Vontesmar recently, he wasn’t fazed.

The photos all show the driver wearing a monkey mask.

“Not one of them there is a picture where you can identify the driver,” Vontesmar said. “The ball’s in their court. I sent back all these ones I got with a copy of my driver’s license and said, ‘It’s not me. I’m not paying them.’ ”