It's Ungodly

The Dangerously Clean Water Used To Make Your iPhone

The ordinary person thinks of reverse-osmosis as taking “everything” out of water. RO is the process you use to turn ocean water into crystalline drinking water. And in human terms, RO does take most everything out of the water.
But for semiconductors, RO water isn’t even close. Ultra-pure water requires 12 filtration steps beyond RO. (For those of a technical bent, the final filter in making UPW has pores that are 20 nanometers wide.

Water is a good cleaner because it is a good solvent–the so-called “universal solvent,” excellent at dissolving all kinds of things. UPW is particularly “hungry,” in solvent terms, because it starts so clean. That’s why it is so valuable for washing semiconductors.
It’s also why it’s not safe to drink. A single glass of UPW wouldn’t hurt you. But even that one glass of water would instantly start leeching valuable minerals back out of your body.

Rube-y Goldberg Tuesday, World Record Edition

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The 2011 Purdue University Rube Goldberg machine shattered the world record for most steps ever successfully completed by such a machine. In 244 steps the “Time Machine” traces the history of the world from Big Bang to the Apocalypse before accomplishing the assigned everyday task of watering a flower

This Movie is One Egg Long

If it’s a three-minute egg

How an hourglass is made

Director Philip Andelman traveled to Basel, Switzerland, to document the designer’s modern take of the classic hourglass inside the Glaskeller factory. Each hand made hourglass comprises highly durable borosilicate glass and millions of stainless steel nanoballs, and is available in a 10 or 60 minute timer.

I like glassblowing/fashioning. I went to the Corning Glassworks several times when I was a kid and never got tired of the tour, especially the part where the guy would make the little glass animals.

via Kottke

Where in the Building is Carmen Sandiego?

Pop quiz, hotshot. You like geolocation and find it useful, but it doesn’t work well indoors. What do you do? What…do…you…DO?

The first step is figuring out what you would need in order to make this work. GPS-like signals need atomic clocks to keep the signals synchronized to the level that would be useful, since they rely on measuring time delays. Inertial navigation needs, at a minimum, a gyroscope and an accelerometer and a knowledge of your initial conditions. You can then integrate any rotations or accelerations to calculate changes in orientation or speed. But errors kill your precision, sooner or later, because they accumulate as you continue to integrate; your speed is calculated by integrating the acceleration and your position is calculated by integrating the speed, (and similarly for your orientation) so any small error in the acceleration (or rotation) is compounded the longer you travel, and indoor navigation requires a fair amount of precision to be of any use.

What you need is error correction. Orientation is pretty easy — just add a compass to the system and you can always tell which way you are pointing, assuming that a compass is useful, i.e. you aren’t near or surrounded by anything that would disrupt the earth’s magnetic field. Correcting the position requires some adjustment, such as sighting some landmarks and triangulating. This is why prior to GPS and its predecessors, submarines would get a “star fix” when they poke their periscope up above the waves or surfaced (they’d be jonesing for dem stars after being submerged a while), but such correction is at the mercy of the weather. Sighting fixed landmarks also requires a calm ocean for a ship/boat, or the equivalent on land — requiring that you be stopped or having your motion restricted may not be desirable. A beacon of some sort would be helpful.

But who wants to lug around a gyroscope, accelerometer, maybe a compass and a radio receiver of some sort? Well, me, for one. I’ve described the newest version of an iPhone or iPod touch (no compass in the latter, as far as I can tell) and probably other smart phones. The beacon is already present in many locations — WiFi or bluetooth (and it might be possible to use cell phone signals) The AMNH is already doing this: American Museum of Natural History’s Explorer App Makes Paper Museum Maps Ancient Artifacts

[T]he American Museum of Natural History Explorer, an app for iPhones and iPod Touches which uses over 300 Wi-Fi hotspots to triangulate your position inside the museum—a feat of “indoor GPS” the museum claims is the first of its kind, and, if it’s not, it’s the most usable implementation of it I’ve come across—takes the stress out of finding the particular piece of history you’re looking for.

Imagine a searchable map of a mall that you carry around with you, with directions on how to get to the store of your choice. A store matching your shopping list with a map, showing where you are and where the items are.

You can envision turning this technology around, too. You could track where people go (presumably anonymously and with their permission) to get insight into traffic patterns. For limited applications, you might not even need the screen that is offered by a phone; just a transponder that gave the location of some important piece of equipment. What if you are in charge of a building (or building complex), and want to know where key personnel are, such as security staff? Communication with geolocation would allow your guards to communicate and a supervisor at a map screen could coordinate their actions — a version of the Star Trek: TNG communicator seems to be a very achievable goal in the not-very distant future.

Of Course There's an App for That

“Einstein’s Pedometer” App Measures How Special Relativity Affects Your Daily Activity

The iPod app, designed by a Japanese developer, uses the iPhone’s GPS capabilities and Lorentz transformation equations to calculate [time dilation]. The Lorentz transformation is a set of equations that relate one observer’s space and time coordinates to those of another observer.

via @JenLucPiquant

You're Wrong About One Thing

… that whole “That’s not funny” part

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Best. iPad Prank. Ever

Martinez gives a report on “piezo-electrics” — a phantom technology which electronically emits smell and taste from the screens of your iPad and iPhone. He coaxes his co-anchor to sniff and eventually lick (!) the screen of an iPad, only to find an “April Fools!” screen pop up shortly thereafter.

Piezoelectric technology is most definitely real; the “phantom” part is about letting you create smells and sounds. But what do you expect from a business site?