It Don't Mean a Thing

if you don’t go 360º on a swing

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OK, disclaimer time: please note that it’s got rigid bars instead of a chain or rope attachment, the feet are probably secured, and that the person doing it is most likely insane.

Apparently this activity is known as kiiking.

Try That With Email!

Return to sender: Artist puts Royal Mail to the test

To put [letter carriers] to the test she concealed the addresses of 130 letters to herself in a series of increasingly complex puzzles and ciphers. Among the disguises she employed were dot-to-dot drawings, anagrams and cartoons. The answer, it seems, was very far indeed. Amazingly, only 10 failed to complete their journey back to her.

Grad School Camp

An idea we were joking about at one of the breaks between talks. You go to science camp, but the time is indefinite. You think it might be a week, and you tell everyone you think you have a week left, but it could end up taking a month. And at any time someone can come along and pull your funding, and you have to go find a new project to work on. Most meals at the dining hall consist of Ramen noodles.

My Loyalty is For Sale

I notice that Donors Choose is being championed by some physics-y blogs, and others are supporting those blogs rather than compete and dilute the pool.

My endorsement is up for grabs. Convince me whom I should choose. Bribe me.

Here are the ones I’ve seen with Donors Choose posts

Uncertain Principles
The Quantum Pontiff
Cosmic Variance

(CV starts off with a handicap after Sean got me into a bit of trouble with Allyson)

What am I bid, what persuasion can be offered, for turning an entry in the above list into a hyperlink?

A Deceptively Difficult Question

From one of my adopters:

[W]hat is the easies part of Physics

My reply:

That’s actually a tough one to answer, since the classes you take are usually adjusted to be challenging — you get “easy” physics at the start, but things aren’t easy when you don’t understand them. And even though classes you take later on are harder, it’s not really as hard as having to learn it “cold,” because you have had the earlier classes. Similar to almost anything you do — it gets easier with practice, and that lets you try more difficult challenges.

So beginning physics, like kinematics, is probably the easiest, but that doesn’t mean it isn’t demanding.


Something to add to this, pointed out in the link in my previous post:
The beginning physics is made more difficult because students tend to have misconceptions that have to be corrected. While the later physics is more conceptually difficult, the odds are better that you start with a clean(er) slate.