That Giant Sucking Sound

Is coming from sciencegeekgirl’s Hands on Science Sunday: Feeling pressured?

All you need is a big trash bag and an industrial strength vacuum cleaner, and a willing victim (er, “faithful subject of science.”) The victim (aka “subject) gets inside the bag, and once you suck all the air out of the bag with the vacuum cleaner, they’ll feel an intense pressure. SAFETY FIRST! Read this PDF writeup of the activity (from the Exploratorium’s Eric Muller) for all the ins-and-outs and safety factors in doing this with your kids. (Words to the wise — don’t put your head inside the bag!) It’s stunning — try it if you can.

Going UP (Very Precisely)

Via gg I see that there is a new vertex on the bologohedron, The X-Change Files

The X-Change Files explores the intersections of science and entertainment, regularly taking a look at the ways in which science is portrayed in film and television. Given that science is often the basis for provocative and compelling storylines, we’ll also highlight the latest scientific discoveries. Perhaps most importantly, we’ll examine the ways in which public opinion is shaped and behavior is changed by what people see on their television sets and in the movie theaters.

And it comes with an impressive list of contributors.

So I will welcome them, followed by picking some nits in the analysis of Pixar’s new movie, UP which they point out in the post Going UP! . They link to a WIRED story about the movie, which estimates the weight of the house needing to be lifted by helium-filled balloons as being 100,000 lbs.

One more simple calculation — 100,000 pounds divided by 0.067 pounds per cubic foot — and you’ve got that it would take 1,492,537 cubic feet of helium to lift the house.

Ignoring that we’re working in English units, which scientists don’t really do very much, the big thing that pops out to the budding, fully-bloomed, or dying scientist is the misuse of significant digits. Do we really believe the estimate of the house’s weight is exact? No, it’s probably good to 2 digits, at best — the house could easily weigh several thousand pounds more or less than the estimated value. So the answer is that it takes 1,500,000 cubic feet of Helium to fill the balloons. You can’t specify it any better than that. The same mistake propagates through the calculation of the number of balloons.

Now, let’s assume you’ve got a bunch of spherical balloons three feet in diameter. They’ve got a volume in 14.1 cubic feet, so you’d need 105,854 of them filled with helium to lift the house.

Same deal. Not only is the volume not precise, but the balloon diameter is an estimate as well. There is no way to make an exact count to the last balloon you would need. So while Pixar got the science right in estimating the number of balloons needed, and it’s great to be enthusiastic about that, it’s also important not to drop the ball when discussing how well they did.

(The most consistently egregious abuse of significant digits in the media (though not necessarily entertainment media) is when there is a conversion from one unit system to another. An approximation of “30 meters high” is converted using 3.28 feet per meter, so that this rough estimation is then given as 98.4 feet high, instead of 100 feet high, as it should be given.)

And, getting on to some more physics, I see that zapperz has taken a pass at analyzing the physics in this movie as well. The Physics in Disney/Pixar’s “Up” takes another look at the buoyancy issue, and points to what might be a little problem among the rest of the decent physics treatment of the buoyancy. Rhett also looks at this issue, as well as some other analysis.

Class, Pay Attention

Anyone want to try and guess why blowing on frikkin’ molten Aluminum (or slapping it with a glove) didn’t put the fire out? Bueller?

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(Here Comes the Sun) (-1)

Why is the Earth moving away from the sun?

Short answer: tidal friction, the same reason the moon is receding from us.

But there’s a “what the?” in the story.

[T]he sun-Earth distance has been pegged with remarkable accuracy. The current value stands at 149,597,870.696 kilometres.

Having such a precise yardstick allowed Russian dynamicists Gregoriy A. Krasinsky and Victor A. Brumberg to calculate, in 2004, that the sun and Earth are gradually moving apart. It’s not much – just 15 cm per year – but since that’s 100 times greater than the measurement error, something must really be pushing Earth outward.

No error is reported, but presumably the error is in the last digit of the value, 0.001 km. One one-thousandth of a kilometer is a meter. 15 cm is smaller than that. If the error is as was reported, it should be a few millimeters. If that’s the error, why isn’t the distance known and reported to that level?

Not Subject to the EEOC

We’re rearranging the lab, and clearing out some old equipment, including taking down part of the original Cesium Fountain laser layout (which uses a lot of optical table space). A colleague was moving a rack, and wanted to know where it should go. I suggested next to a hard place, but leaving a gap, so something could go in between. Badump-ching!

Fortunately for me, puns are not inherently part of the “creating hostile work environment” definition which applies to Federal employees.

Anyway. part of the laser system of the Cesium fountain (the slightly less dense optics forest on the far side of the table in the picture) is no more. Walking into the lab to see that half the table bare was a bit traumatic for me, since it’s the experiment I raised from a pup. But my colleagues said the setup isn’t really gone — they moved that part of the experiment to a very nice lab out on a farm, and assured me that the optics were much happier there, because it has very nice temperature control and people to clean the mirrors and keep everything aligned. So I feel a lot better about that.

Wheel … of … Falkirk!

The Falkirk Wheel

These caissons always weigh the same whether or not they are carrying their combined capacity of 600 tonnes (590 LT; 660 ST) of floating canal barges as, according to Archimedes’ principle, floating objects displace their own weight in water, so when the boat enters, the amount of water leaving the caisson weighs exactly the same as the boat. This keeps the wheel balanced and so, despite its enormous mass, it rotates through 180° in five and a half minutes while using very little power.

Short time-lapse video of the wheel in action
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Wikipedia entry

Healthy Graphing Technique

An interesting graph of life expectancy vs per-capita income, for a bunch of different countries around the world. What is so trés cool is that you can animate it to run it from 1800 to the present. France does a meteoric rise very early on with no change in income, war participants take hits in life expectancy, and basically the whole world does the Time Warp (it’s just a jump to the left) in 1929.