Not the Same as Gauche


Central to banknote designs are Guilloche patterns, which can be created mechanically with a geometric lathe, or more likely these days, mathematically. The mathematical process attracted me immediately as I don’t have a geometric lathe and nor do I have anywhere to put one. I do, however, have a computer, and at the point I first started playing with the designs (mid-2004) Illustrator and Photoshop had gained the ability to be scripted.

via Kottke

Trivia of Use to Fibonacci … or MacGyver

From Futility Closet

Since the ratio of kilometers to miles is very close to the Golden Ratio, consecutive terms later in the Fibonacci series (once you get to 3) are approximate conversions of those distances.
1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, …

3 miles is 5 km, 5 miles is 8 km, etc.

This knowledge, along with some bubble gum and a paper clip, should be sufficient to thwart the bad guys in at least three ways. Get on with it!

How Does Calculus Compare?

Your math teacher, Darth Vader. (Boy, is he strict!)

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The ability to calculate the length of the hypotenuse is insignificant next to the power of the force.

I have to add — I would have noted that Vader’s board skills leave something to be desired, but he might have found my lack of faith to be disturbing.