Category Archives: Cartoon
Marie Curie
Logic Won't Take You There, Logic Won't Get You Back
Indexed: You can’t use logic against belief
I’m sure the views and timing of this with the after-birther ruckus is purely coincidental. Or conspiratorial.
And Al Saw That it was Good
For this to make sense, you need to see the xkcd cartoon “Heaven” (as usual, click to go there so you can see the hover tag)
This being the internet (thank you, Al Gore), someone went and made this into a real game (hey, what were the odds?) Every so often, a large piece comes along and fits into the existing landscape. The cartoon is basically the opposite of Hell, of course, which also has a “playable” version
The Man Who Loved Math Dancing
There is No Poetic Justice in Copenhagen
Calamities of Nature: Coming to a Universe Near You
At least we live in the universe were Glenn Beck is leaving FOX.
The Force of a Thousand Faces
Two and a Half Chortles
Just Tell Me What it IS!
Abstruse Goose: Moment of Clarity(?) – part 2
(Maybe it’s just me, but for some reason only half the page is displaying; at first I thought maybe it was a joke I wasn’t getting, but the text that normally appears under the image was missing as well. In case you have similar viewing issues, it is actually a nine panel cartoon. I saw the whole thing here, in the Feb 22 cartoons)
Spin is one of the harder things to explain to non-physicists or science amateurs, because the conversation invariably goes back to “what’s really going on here?” Sorry, dude, it’s quantum mechanics. That request can’t be processed.