I’m sure you all noticed that in the last panel of today’s XKCD, Randall mentions all of the quarks.
Up, Charm(ing), Strange(r), Top, Bottom, Down.
Geek meter: pegged.
I’m sure you all noticed that in the last panel of today’s XKCD, Randall mentions all of the quarks.
Up, Charm(ing), Strange(r), Top, Bottom, Down.
Geek meter: pegged.
McCain’s Voice Mail to Palin Leaked to Press
(To aide) I can’t hear you. Will you grow a pair?
The real message of Toy Story. Warning: this cannot be unwatched.
via Mine
21 Funny Airline Announcements
“In the event of a sudden loss of cabin pressure, masks will descend from the ceiling. Stop screaming, grab the mask, and pull it over your face. If you have a small child traveling with you, secure your mask before assisting with theirs. If you are traveling with more than one small child, pick your favorite.”
Map of Springfield and an interactive version (the website mentioned on the map leads to a dead-end)
via Neatorama
What they write in their diaries (as opposed to what animals talk about)
Disciplines of chemistry as retail chains. The IKEA of Chemistry
Total Synthesis- The Wal-Mart of Chemistry. Okay, before I alienate my tot. syn. friends with this one, let’s think about it. Typically, when modern reactions are developed, they are almost immediately put to task in syntheses of natural products, as proof of their usefulness. People go to natural products in a pinch, typically cause they have nowhere else to go. Much like Wal-Mart. Both Wal-Mart and total synthesis labs are open 24 hours. Also, both have gathered quite a bit of controversy in their exploitation of labor…
Today’s xkcd is about quantum teleportation, but the problem isn’t that journalists write the “same disappointed story” whenever quantum teleportation is being reported. It’s that they still report that teleportation is somehow connected to moving matter around, whether they’ve been waved off about it or not; the latter would be because they didn’t vet their story. They are almost Pavlovian (does that name ring a bell?) in their need to include the reference to Star Trek.
That’s only a small deduction in judging the overall message, though. (Especially the title tag, where Randall zings the sensationalization of story titles)